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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  March 19, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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fair, balanced, unafraid. captions by closed captioning services >> shepard: this is the fox report. tonight storms on the move and risk of tornadoes, hail and flooding. plus the massacre in afghanistan. now, a statement from the soldier's wife as that suspect meets his lawyer for the first time. >> i couldn't imagine a more difficult case, i don't think. >> shepard: friends and neighbors say this is not the robert bales they knew. >> that's why he went in the military to help people. >> shepard: but tonight we are learning more about his troubles. on and off the battlefield. plus, a legal showdown over babies conceived after their father dies. should they get his social security benefits? >> there are going to be cases like this that arise in the future. now the supreme court will decide.
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and -- >> come home, baby. please come home. it. >> shepard: a teenage girl vanishes on her way to school. >> she wouldn't leave everyone out of the loop. it doesn't make sense. >> shepard: now, could her cell phone help crack the case? >> first, from fox this monday night, we're now hearing from the wife of the u.s. soldier accused of cold blooded murder in afghanistan. her name is carolyn bales. and she released a statement today that reads in part: what happened on the night of march 11 in kandahar province was a terrible and heart-breaking tragedy. my family, including -- my and bob's extended families are all profoundly sad. staff sergeant robert bales met face-to-face with his lawyer today. the tells the associated press one of the most emotional meetings of his life. tonight we are learning more about sergeant bales. he is accused, of course, of killing 16 afghan civilians.
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the vast majority of them women and children. then burning some of their corpses. his lawyer said bales did not want to go to afghanistan in the first place. after three tours in iraq, where he lost part of his foot and suffered a head injury. according to the reporting of the "new york times," bales was draining to become a recruiter to avoid going back into combat. his wife was reportedly hoping to transfer to a base in germany or hawaii. and they apparently had some real money trouble. records show their house in washington state is on the market now for $50,000 less than they paid for t. they defaulted on another mortgage and abandoned that home. then, a year ago, sergeant bales failed to get a promotion and a raise. still neighbors say they had no idea anything was wrong. >> i knew he was getting ready to go back over there and i was leaving for a trip. i was going to be gone for a while and i knew i wouldn't see him again. i just told him to be safe. he said yeah, no problem. i will. see you when i get back.
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>> shepard: his lawyer said he may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or ptsd. >> everybody who has had three or four deployments to the middle east is going to have some form of ptsd. i don't know anything specific about it i know he had a con cussive head injury which can be more serious than ptsd. >> shepard: the attorney made those comments before he met with bales today. this the same lawyer who represented the serial killer ted bundy and colton harris moore the man known here as bare foot bandit. james is live on it tonight in washington. >> sergeant bales' wife also made mention of the horrors of war. i cannot shed any light on what happened that night karilyn bales said my own family's life at risk. i appreciate the steps to protect us. she said i hope there will soon be no protection of families whether here or in
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kandahar province or anywhere because the pain inevitably inflicted in war should never be an excuse to inflict yet more pain, unquote. at this hour sergeant bales is back in his isolated cell in the military prison at fort leavenworth. today's two sessions with his lawyer there were held under privileged conditions. meaning with greater privacy than a prisoner gets with his family. documents obtained by the "new york times" showed that a decade ago, after an incident in a hotel room near tacoma washington, bales was arrested on misdemeanor assault charge against a woman. the charges were reportedly dropped after bales paid a fine and completed anger management training. documents obtained by the associated press show that four years ago bales pleaded guilty and paid a fine after he fell asleep at the wheel of his car and fled the scene of an accident while running, bleeding in military clothes into the woods. overseas, bales spent a total of 37 months in iraq and five years ago took part in a two-day gun battle with shiite
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militia men in the city of najaf. bales' units even in afghanistan saw relatively little combat and suffered relatively low casualty rates. formal charges in the march 11 shootings are expected by week's end, shep. >> shepard: james rosen live in washington. fox report weather alert now strong storms sweeping across the central plains, bringing with them the threat of flooding, baseball sized hail according to the national weather service and more tornadoes. the nws has issued a tornado watch for parts of central texas including dallas. it goes on for hours. we are already seeing some damage there tonight. emergency crews report the winds are responsible for knocking over this semi. it comes a day after a pair of twisters damaged homes in nebraska. storm chaser there's also captured this video of fierce winds kicking up debris in oklahoma. they report no serious damage there. >> fortunately this tornado stayed away from the city and was just down open field. we definitely don't like to see tornadoes run into any
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small towns or cities in route there. this tornado we saw yesterday unfortunately did destroy some sheds out there in a field. but it stayed away from homes and businesses what we like to see. >> shepard: yes, we do. along with dangerous winds, emergency crews say they now have to worry about floods as the storms continue to bring very heavy ranget in the extreme weather center tonight. janice dean our meteorologist, what are you seeing there j.d.? >> we do have tornado watch including dallas. a severe thunderstorm watch that extends into portions of oklahoma until 12 a.m. taking a look at where we have tornado warnings, tornado watches meaning that conditions are favorable. tornado warnings meaning we have spotted strong rotation and this tornado warning for northern mesa county trained weather spotter. tornado on the ground moving northeast at 45 miles per hour. there is your severe weather threat from canadian border tornado watch 10:00 p.m. local time and the tornado warning in evening. shepard, as you mentioned, the
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legacy from this stornlt could be the amount of rain that why are going to see within the next several days. six inches plus and that could be conservative. i'm seeing areas in oklahoma that could see over a foot of rain by wednesday. that is life threatening flooding go through tonight and into tomorrow see the potential for not only severe weather but the flooding potential could be devastating. could you posted on all the watches and warnings throughout the watch tonight. >> shepard: we will count on it, janice, thank you. just hours away from the next republic presidential showdown. the primary in illinois and rick santorum just said he doesn't care about the unemployment rate. he said this election is about more than just jobless numbers. >> we need a candidate who is going to be a fighter for freedom, who is going to get up and make that the central theme of this race. it is the central theme in this race. i don't care what the unemployment rate is going to be. it doesn't matter to me.
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my campaign doesn't hinge on unemployment rates and growth rates. there is something more foundational that's going on here. >> shepard: mitt romney and rick santorum are the only candidates campaigning in illinois today. 54 delegates up for grabs. once again, rick santorum did not get all the paperwork complete so he is not eligible to win all of them. mitt romney is leading rick santorum by 9 points a real clear politics average of the latest polls. with all of that steve brown is watching things in chicago this afternoon and, steve, seems rick santorum is dealing with another problem tonight. >> he is. he had to explain the difference of opinion he has with a host of his hoirsz is pastor dennis terry who leads the green well brings louisiana baptist church. that's where santorum was last night. the pastor was introducing santorum explaining why he thought much of the nation's whoas was because of the separation of church and state. listen to the pastor followed by santorum today. >> we don't worship buddha.
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i said we don't worship buddha. we don't worship mohammed. we don't worship allah. we worship god. we worship god's son jesus christ. >> worship whoever they want to worship and bring their thoughts into the public square and have at it and give them the opportunity to make their faith claims and make their claims. that's what america is all about. >> santorum also said that video showing him clapping was not a part of his endorsement or approval of some of the pastor's more incendiary remarks. shep? >> shepard: all right. well, there is word instead of this sort of thing, mitt romney is concentrating on president obama today. >> he certainly was. he he spent the weekend campaigning in the suburbs, which are thought to be very friendly territory to him. today he came into the city. specifically the university of chicago where the president once taught and was talking about the economy that it is in recovery but he believes
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the obama administration has mishandled it and slowed it. >> president obama hopes to erase his record with a speech. in a recent address he said that we're all inventors. we are builders, we are makings of things. we are thomas edison we're the wright brothers. the reality is under president obama's administration these pioneers would have found it much, much more difficult if not impossible. >> what the romney backers here in illinois are looking for is a good turnout in the shush burbs. suburbs, that's a signal to them illinois may go their way tomorrow night. shep? >> shepard: steve brown in chicago. a major shift? syria as the year long uprising brings blood and bullets straight to the heart of the syrian capital. just ahead, how the rebels are apparently trying to take the fight right to the regime. plus, a gunman riding around on a motorcycle shooting people in the streets four are
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dead in the latest attack and school children are among the victims. this is the fox report. 5-hour energy?
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>> shepard: major street battle broke out in damascus heaviest fighting. enormous turning point in that growing civil war. up until now fighting in damascus has been quite rare as most of the blood has spilled in smaller cities like homs. but today we learned a group of rebels reportedly launched an attack on the house stishian brigade capital one of the most guarded neighborhoods. we can't verify the authenticity of this. may be switching take particulars and going on the offensive. all of this comes as the united nations reports the violence has killed more than
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8,000, syrian men women and children. "the fox report" wants chief correspondent jonathan hunt has been following developments out of syria today it is significant that the fighting has intensified in the capital. >> absolutely. very significant that the opposition groups file they have opportunity or getting so desperate they have no choice. but to take the fight virtually to the doorstep of president assad himself. make no mistake. with the overwhelming advantage in terms of fire power that the syrian army has this is not going to make a difference in the short-term. jay carney was asked today when does the u.s. believe enough is snuff? -- listen. >> i don't want to predict in the future at what point if certain things happen or don't happen. additional strategies might be put in place. i would say the approach we are taking working with the friends of syria. working with the international community to further isolate and pressure assad. >> in short, there will be a lot more talking before anyone
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kind of military action is taken, if ever, shep. >> shepard: historically speaking, murdering is part of the assad family tradition. >> absolutely. >> how we're getting insight into new emails that show us a bit of the relationship mr. assad and his wife. >> mrs. assad seems as supportive of that kind of murdering gone on in the family name as her husband appears to be. after one speech in which he vowed to crack down on the protesters she said and i quote very strong no messing around with regard to her husband. she also wrote an email directly to him which said if we are strong together, we will overcome this together. i love you. we are also hearing tonight that the european union is freezing the assets and bank accounts of british born mrs. assad. that might at least put a crimp in her online shopping habits. >> shepard: we will see. jonathan hunt, thank you. police are searching for the gunman who killed three kids and a rabbi outside a jewish
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school in the southwest of france. the french president nicholas sarkozy today called it it the worst school attack in the nation's history. he also raised the nation's terror alert level to the highest they have in france. police say the killer opened fire, then took off on a motorcycle and they say somebody used that same gun in two separate attacks last week. those attacks killed three french paratroopers and seriously injured another. well, the call came into 911. a neighborhood watch volunteer in a gated community reporting a young man who looked drunk. >> he has got something in his hands. i don't know what his deal. >> okay. let me know if he does anything. >> we got him on the way. [bleep] >> always get away. >> shepard: they always get away, he said. moments later, that caller shot his unarmed high school junior person running around the neighborhood. or that's the allegation. the objects in the high schooler's hands?
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ice tea and skittles. tonight, how his family is asking the feds to get involved. that's next. as fox reports live tonight. one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine top safety picks like the passat and jetta. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month.
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shep they always get away. that's what a neighborhood watch volunteer told an operator just before he shot and killed a unarmed teenager. the one who didn't get away. 17-year-old trayvon martin. george zimmerman on the left here told the dispatch that the kid had something in his hand and was, quote, up to no good. moments later, zimmerman killed that teenager. he says it was in self-defense. police never arrested him, never charged him with any wrongdoing at all. but the story is getting nationwide attention. folks are taking to the
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streets in protests. nearly half a million people have reportedly signed a petition demanding the arrest in this case. the fbi is now paying attention and even the white house is weighing in on this controversial case. >> we understand that the local fbi office has been in contact with the local authorities. and it's monitoring the situation. our thoughts and prayers go out to trayvon martin's family. here is what we know. the teen was visiting his father in a gated community outside orlando last month when george zimmerman spotted him and called the cops. officials released these recordings after weeks of pressure from the victim's family. >> we have had some break-ins in my neighborhood and there is a real suspicious guy. this guy looks like he is up to no good or he is on drugs or something. >> are you following him? >> yeah. >> okay. we don't need you to do that. >> shepard: we don't need you to do that. but witnesses say he did that. and then shot him.
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police reportedly found trayvon martin face down on the ground. he had been carrying a bag of skittles and a can of ice tea. but they say they have found no evidence of any crime at all. steve harrigan monitoring this from our south florida newsroom. it's been weeks since this shooting, steve, the anger seems to be still building. >> that's right, shepard. this shooting took place february 26th. but the anger, the protests continue to grow. both online and in the streets. there were protests in central florida over the weekend and again today out at the courthouse. some celebrities now joining in on social media and reverend al sharpton planning a demonstration later this week. part of the motivation behind these protests is the fact that the shooter has not been arrested. that is something that has simply added to the teen's parents anguish. >> i'm so very hurt by this whole situation. it's a nightmare. and i don't understand why this man has not been arrested, at least charged and
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let a judge and jury decide if he is guilty. >> martin it's father says the entire family feels betrayed by the local police department, shepard. >> shepard: steve, what more have we learned about the shooter? >> we are getting to know more about zimmerman, george zimmerman. he is the self-appointed chief of neighborhood watch in his gated community. over the past year and a half, he has made 46 separate phone calls to police, often reporting a, quote, suspicious person and usually that suspicious person turned out to be a black teen. now, in a local newspaper, his father defended his son saying, quote: he would be the last to discriminate for any reason whatsoever. the media portrayal of george as a racist could not be further from the truth. now, when police did arrive at the scene of the shooting, zimmerman had a bloody nose, so police said they had no evidence to arrest him because it was the result of a conflict. he has since left his home. he said he has received death threats. we could see some changes soon. as the family has requested
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the fed now are involved. the fbi is monitoring the case and the department of justice will send an investigative team to re-examine the evidence later this week. shepard, back to you. >> shepard: steve harrigan live in south florida tonight. steve, thank you. all right. how about this? if the parent of an invitro fertilized baby dies before the child is even conceived, should the child be able to collect survivor benefits from the parent who is already dead during conception? it's complicated. we will take you live to the supreme court where the justices are now tackling that pretty new issue. plus, there is word that the future hall of fame quarterback peyton manning has made a bit of a decision. so where will he play this season? and where will the guy who played there last season play next season? oh!
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our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. >> shepard: it appears tonight the great peyton manning. nfl sweep stakes is about to come to an end. the indianapolis colts quarterback and son number two of arch were manning met with the bronchos executives this morning. remember, peyton missed all of last season because of neck problems. after the colts let him go a couple of weeks back, several teams expressed some serious interest in the future hall of famer. so what does this mean for tim tebow, the current bronchos quarterback? well, the sports bloggers seem to think baby rhino could be heading black to florida in a
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trade with the miami dolphins. march madness down to the 16 elite teams and a pair of potential cinderellas, all but two remaining schools in the ncaa basketball tournament are from power conferences exceptions being xavier and the 13 seed ohio university which last week upset the university of michigan. then yesterday defeated south florida to earn its spot in the sweet 16. it's the first time four schools from the same state have made it this far in the tournament. undefeated the state of ohio along with ohio, xavier, ohio state, and cincinnati. they are all still very much alive. i'm shepard smith. this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. and the supreme court today heard arguments on a fascinating question involving invitro fertilization. the specific question here is this: if a mother con receives a child after the father dies, should that child
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be eligible for the social security survivor's benefits from the dad? ed in the case before the court today, a woman had twins using her then dead husband's sperm. she is fighting back after the feds denied her claims for benefits. shannon bream is live at the supreme court tonight. did the justices appear to be leaning one way or 00 other, shannon? >> well, shepard, many of them seemed to be sympathetic to the government's argument which all along is these twins simply don't meet the definition of a child under the statute. drafted way back in 1939, of course, lawmakers couldn't have foreseen the circumstances that are facing the court today. the government has argued all along these twins could be beneficiaries because the surviving parent brought them into being knowing that her deceased husband wouldn't be alive, wouldn't be around to pay into the wages and funding for social security benefits, shep. >> shepard: it's my understanding that the mother's attorney seemed pretty confident, too shannon. >> he did. he said a will the of times the court is asked to interpret statutes that are
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decades old that are part of his job. this is something they have to get used to considering. here is a bit of what he told us today. >> it's often the case, congress writes a statute and the world changes and then courts have to figure out how congress would have anticipated and treated these situations had it been able to think of it. so, in that sense, this case is no different than in a lot of cases the court has decided. >> and today he gave us a prime example of a number of military fathers or men who aren't fathers yet go out and deploy but leave behind frozen sperm they don't make it so their wives can start or expand their families. more of these cases to come, shep. >> shepard: i bet they are. shannon bream at the supreme court tonight. the pentagon is said to be putting new focus on the growing threat of cyber warfare. a whole new generation of cyber weapons that can reportedly attack enemy computer systems, even when they are not connected to the internet. it's very high tech stuff but here's the flip side. hostile governments or terrorist groups could one day use the same technology against us.
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catherine herridge is live in washington tonight. it feels like, catherine, that the defense department is really trying to get ahead of this perceived threat. >> well, that's right, shep. the defense department is planning a $3.4 billion into cyber warfare. one of greatest threats. fox given the copies of the code. once inside the target it steals incident electric actual property and files before deleting itself after 30 days. investigators believe duqu recently found in eight countries like advance team stealing data to lay the foundation for larger attack that crippled iran's nuclear program in 2009. equivalent of a cyber one-two punch. >> we can see gathering information about industrial control systems so that makes us worry that there may be a new attack similar to systemac in the future. >> no question they were authored by the same people because their codes are so similar, shep.
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>> shepard: a real high profile, at least, computer attack was on iran's perceived nuclear program. it looks like that attack was worse than we first thought. >> that's correct. according to a new report by leading team of investigators. it was physically introduced into the enrichment site either by infected thumb drive, cd or insider recruited for the mission. this malicious software knew the exact speed that would cause the centrifuges spo spin out of control and shatter. at least 1,000 were destroyed. >> it has shown that you can seriously damage industrial facilities that have incredible amount of physical security around them. can you get through that and cause damage. so now everyone knows you can do it so i would expect much more of it now. >> what's key here is that no one, no government has publicly taken responsibility for it the programs. investigators are saying they can inevitably be copied and
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theoretically be used against countries like the united states, shep. >> shepard: catherine herridge in d.c. thanks. >> you are welcome. >> shepard: new concerns that the internet is making it easier for spies to keep an eye on all of us through our household appliances. like the tv. or even the oven. the cia director david petraeus recently said and talked about the rise in technology that expands the internet's reach beyond computers to other machines. director petraeus warns that just like the rest of the net, spies could still use this so-called internet of things to keep track of folks without their knowledge. a cia spokesman today told fox news that the agency gathers foreign intelligence not domestic data, not even through toasters. well, in other news tonight, you won't be surprised to hear that gas prices are still going up you might not like the news on oil. prices have spiked. up a dollar today. risen three bucks over the
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last couple of trading days. that is not a good sign at all for our next trip to the gas station since gas prices seem to follow oil prices duh. national average has risen for 10 consecutive days. up 2% during that time. average of $3.84. apple has figured out what to do with some of the massive stockpiles of cash and securities it has lying around everywhere. the tech giant announcing it it will reward shareholders with the first of its kind quarterly dividend since 1995 executives appear apple will drive financial prices higher. the company has almost $100 billion on hand. that could have been enough to buy a smaller company like mcdonald's. the news drove apple stock to its first ever close above $600 a share. police say they found a major clue in the search for a 15-year-old girl who disappeared while on her way to school.
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we'll fill you in on that next. plus, she was once named one of the sexiest women on this planet. in fact, that happened over and over. and investigators say this international swimsuit model was also moon lighting as the head of an international drug ring. the details on the supermodel. this picture doesn't do it. you will see the ones that do coming up. today, we stand against the tyraeager travelards.
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>> shepard: the cops say they have just made a discovery that could shine a light on the whereabouts of a california teenager who disappeared on friday she is 15-year-old sierra lamar. her sister says she took this cell phone picture of her on friday morning just before she left for school outside of san jose. we are told sierra never made it to class that day. no one we know of has seen her since. now her mother is asking everyone in the area to keep an eye out. >> i appreciate all the effort, god bless everybody that's trying to help.
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even the people that don't know her. i hear they are chipping in and they are trying to help and i approach everything. god bless you all. >> shepard: syria's mother also said her daughter left the house on friday in a good mood and now cops say they found the teen's cell phone in a field a few miles from her own home. trace gallagher is on this story in afternoon in our west coast newsroom. what more do we know about this cell phone, trace? >> well, we know, shep, it was actually found in a field that would have been on the way to school for zero are a lamar. it was off the side of the road as if somebody had tossed it out the car window. nobody actually knows if she was inside a car or not. the phone is key because it will tell police who she last had contact with before she disappeared. though her mother does not believe that she would just abandon her phone. listen. >> i can't believe that she would not contact her friends and let them know that she is okay and do this. she would never want us to go
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through all this pain. >> police, by the way, also have her laptop computer to see what information they can glean from that as well. shep. >> shepard: it seems so random on the surface, trace. do we know about any problems at school or anywhere else? >> well, we know she did start a new high school recently and that we went back and looked at some of her twitter messages in the two days before she disappeared she does mention some drugs and having some problems with other students saying and i'm quoting here: i wonder if i would be happier and smarter if i never did drugs? hmmm i don't know. just a thousand. now i will never know. she went on to say how much it killed me and made me feel, that's how you are going to feel when i'm done with you. and one more tweet, she says some people seriously deserve to get punched right in the blank face. i swear. but police say her family did not know of any problems. listen. >> when you have have a missing person cases specially for a teenager there is information. the family may make mention
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that he or she wasn't happy or said they -- we don't have that in this case. nor do we have evidence or information of a crime. >> trace: very little to go on. police are not planning any further searches until they get some more information about sierra lamar, shep. >> shepard: trace gallagher in los angeles. thanks. police in australia say a former swimsuit model was the brains behind an international drug ring is a money farrell is her name hardy. one of the sexiest women on the planet not once but three times for reasons evident on your screen tonight. australian police first arrested this woman back in 2009. she was reportedly there while the drug ebb forcement administration raided his apartment way back in california. the dea got drugs and documents but she skipped bail after a friend posted 150 grand bond. cops in australia finally did catch up with her just last week. investigators say she was the
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master mind of international ring that trafficked high grade crystal meth. she told sunday's tell graph newspaper which happens to be owned by the parent company of this network that she was running only because someone was trying to murder her and she added, quote: i have been in relationships with numerous underworld figures or whatever you want to call them and i feel that maybe they feel threatened by my situation. she mailed out by fedex, u.p.s., and the postal service package after package after package of meth, according to the authorities. they say they stopped nine of them before they got to the eventual recipients. there is a potentially explosive twist in that botched federal gun sting known as operation fast and furious. new documents appear to show back in 2010. agents from the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms picked up the main gun running suspect. but then for reasons that escape us, they let the guy go. william la jeunesse is live in our west coast newsroom with
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more on this. william? >> well, shepard, this could be the most damning evidence yet that the atf armed the cartel in hopes of catching the big fish. here is why. until now we have been told that the atf did not arrest those buying guns illegally because the agency lacked probable cause but according to atf report early 2010 arizona mexican border agents stopped ringleader manuel trying to smuggle 74 rounds of ak 47 ammunition hidden in his trunk. agents arrested him and called the atf agent who was working the case. accosta told her he was going to mexico to help set up a drug trafficking business at a birthday party of a big marijuana dealer and the right-hand man of mexico's most wanted man, he will chop poo guzman, leader of the cartel. the atf had already known that accosta and his gang had bought 1100 assault weapons for $700,000. how? well, they had telephone pole
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mounted cameras outside his house and they saw money and guns change hands. now they actually had accosta smuggling ammunition illegally. what happened? they let him go. the case agent wrote her phone number on a $10 bill and told him to call when he returned to the u.s. well, did he come back. but there is notified that he ever called or cooperated. critics say this shows this wasn't about probable cause. this was about deliberately sending guns south, either to build a bigger case or to drive a political agenda. either way, shepard, it wasn't about public safety. another thousand guns were sold to accosta's group before the death of brian terry the border agent, there was no cooperation, no comment from the atf. back to you. >> shepard: william la jeunesse live in los angeles. william, thanks. if you ever get anything from north carolina that -- north koa that you don't like the sound of wait or day or two because it will change. it will not scrap plans for long rang pocket launch despite calls from the united
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states or others to kill the thing. north korean officials stood by the claims they are launching a satellite for peaceful purposes. critics say it's to cover -- it's a cover to test a nuclear weapon delivery system. meanwhile, north korean state television shows this video of the country's new leader kim the younger, kim jong un reportedly conducting drills with all three branches of his military. of course, analysts have questioned whether kim the younger would be as tough a leader as his father kim jong il. meantime the united nations nuclear watchdog reports its received invitation from north korea to visit. but it's yet to make a decision. president obama's health care overhaul set to face a major test in the nation's highest court. we will tell you what to expect and what some brand new polls seem to suggest about where americans stand on their. plus, boggle for a cause. bowling for a cause. how one kid turned his birthday party into a fundraiser to help save other lives. that's coming up.
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>> shepard: you will be hearing more in the coming days about the health care law 2010. two year anniversary friday. the supreme court start hearing comments about constitutionality. fox news poll shows the nation is still deeply divided or conflicted even over this law with a statistical tie between the number of people who think it's constitutional versus those who think it isn't. of course the supreme court will decide on that chief white house ed henry on the white house lawn tonight. >> you know it's a divided issue as you noted. same fox poll had an even larger number in terms the number of american people, percentage who believe this
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law should be obliterated all together or the individual mandate should be stripped out. the president had said two years ago he would campaign on this. he would be outspoken on it today jay carney told reporters the president may not have an event to. >> we are focused on implementing the bill not on discussing anniversaries particularly. although i'm sure others will want to discuss this. >> so the president, while he is out on the campaign trail does talk about health care reform and some of the benefits that he sees coming up. but it's not going to be what vice president biden called it a couple years ago. you will remember that famous moment a big bleeping deal. shep? >> shepard: their presidential frontrunner mitt romney has his own with legislation. this is a mirror. some conservative organizations have put out very similar ideas in the past that republicans were all for. >> absolutely. republic in ken cuccinelli
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attorney general in west virginia one of the first conservative republicans to come out and file a lawsuit against the president's health care reform law. he told c-span yesterday that he basically thinks if mitt romney gets the nomination health care will essentially be off the table. take a listen. doesn't have the power politically to motivate people to vote or volunteer as someone who is an opponent does. you are effectively giving that issue up if you select romney as the nominee. we may be doing that. >> mitt romney has said many times what he did was on the state level and that he didn't want a mandate like the president pushed through on the federal level. but the bottom line is, as you saw from that clip, that even some republicans are now saying this issue could be neutralized for the president if mitt romney is the republic nominee, shep. >> shepard: ed henry at the white house. ed, thanks. so now this little guy in colorado, who says raising money for charity is better than having presents. he turned his ninth birthday party into a fundraiser for rescue helicopter group.
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>> i just really wanted to like be the one who helps, too. >> shepard: how about that? his mom says he first noticed the flight for life choppers a few years ago and started collecting money for the group. no word on how much cash he raised at his bowling party this year. we are told in the past few years he has raised 3,000 bucks for the organization. and the flight for life folks say they really appreciate the donations. especially from somebody so young. scientists spotted nearly 600 near earth space rocks just last year alone. 600 rocks floating around near us is what i should have said. now, nasa stepped up to try to protect us all from these so-called planet killers. so they have got 600 planet killers floating around out there? better get to the basement. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wideange of new choices.
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>> shepard: space agency shelled out more than 4 million bucks to a program that searches for space rocks. its main job is to hunt and track asteroids that could one day collide with our planet. officials say the new fund goes towards upgrading telescopes that will keep the team in business until 2015. before we go team's top five things of the day. new defense in local's suit against rapper pit bull over this lyrics. >> lind so i lohan got her locked up like local. >> pit bull says the song also references ryan seacrest and he doesn't care lohan shouldn't either. number four, wendy's has dethroned burger king second largest burger chain. federal appeals court has upheld a law forcing cigarette makers to put graphic warning labels on packs. number two, the national weather service predicts more tornadoes and up to baseball size hail in the plains tonight. number one, u.s. soldier accused of killing 16 afghan
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civilians last week met with his attorney today. the lawyer says his client's memory of the incident is pretty haze that's "the fox report's" top five. on this day in 1856 texas beat kentucky in the ncaa tournament finals, first time all black starting fine had ever won it all. at the time integrated teams were far from the norm in college hoops most expected the all white squad to win easily. enter texas western. right out of gates, the miners took the lead and never looked back. they turned the film glory road and national champs broke the color barrier 46 years ago today. and kentucky always seems to be there, doesn't it? and now you know the news for this monday, march the 19th, 2012. what's your sleeper? what's your


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